Pokemon Generation III Version Compatibility
This page lists all Pokemon Generation III game versions and accessories for all consoles. It also explains what game versions are compatible.
Game Boy Advance (GBA)
- GBA console are same world-wide and can play any game versions.
Game Versions
Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, FireRed games each have 6 versions based on language.
- English (The US, Canada, UK, Australia retail boxes are different, but the GBA cartridge content is the same.)
- Japanese
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- German
- Game link cables: They are the same world-wide and can be used on any game versions and consoles.
- Wireless adapters: They are the same world-wide and can be used on any game versions and consoles. They only work on Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen games.
- e-Reader:
- e-Reader has 3 versions: Japanese (GBA support), Japanese (GBA+Game Cube support) and English (GBA+Game Cube support).
- e-Reader cards are either Japanese or English.
- Japanese e-Reader only works with Japanese GBA games and can only read Japanese e-Reader cards.
- English e-Reader only works with English GBA games and can only read English e-Reader cards.
- French, Italian, Spanish, German GBA games can't read e-Reader cards.
Game Boy Color-GBA Interactions
- Trade & Battle: Impossible. Pokemons from Generation 1 and 2 games can't be traded or transfered to Generation 3 games.
GBA-GBA Interactions
- Trade: Any GBA game can trade with any GBA game from any language.
- Link Battle: Any GBA game can battle with any GBA game from any language.
- Record mixing (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald): Any GBA game can mix record with any GBA game, EXCEPT that NTSC-J Ruby/Sapphire can't mix record with NTSC-U or PAL Ruby/Sapphire.
- Berry Blender (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald): Any GBA game can play berry blender with any GBA game.
- Contest (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald): Any GBA game can compete in Pokemon Contest with any GBA game. The contest has two modes: E-Mode which requires Emerald on all GBA, and G-mode which is available with all RSE games.
- Game Corner (Emerald, FireRed, LeafGreen): Any GBA game can play with any GBA game.
Game Cube
The Game Cube has 5 versions.
- NTSC-J (Japan): Japanese language (unchangeable)
- NTSC-U (The Americas and Asia): English language (unchangeable)
- PAL-M (Brazil): Portuguese language (unchangeable)
- This Game Cube version can run the same games as the NTSC-U Game Cube and Brazil-exclusive games (none of which are Pokemon games). NTSC-U Pokemon games that are ran on this Game Cube version are in English.
- PAL (Europe and Oceania): It is possible to change the language for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch.
- NTSC-K (South Korea): Korean language (unchangeable)
- No Pokemon games were released for the Korean Game Cube.
- Game Cube Controllers: They are the same world-wide and can be used on any console version.
- Game Cube to GBA Link Cable: They are the same world-wide and can be used on any console version.
- Memory Card:
- They are the same world-wide and can be used on any console version.
- A memory card must be formatted before being used. The format of the card can be changed multiple times, but doing so removes all its data.
- There are two possible formats: SJIS (for NTSC-J) and Windows-1252 (for NTSC-U/PAL/PAL-M). (Possibly a 3rd format for NTSC-K?)
- This means a NTSC-J and NTSC-U saves can't coexist on the same card.
Game Versions
A Game Cube game is specific to a region and can only be played on a Game Cube of that region.
Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD
They exist in 3 versions each based on region:
- NTSC-J (Japan): Japanese language
- NTSC-U (The Americas and Asia): English language
- PAL (Europe and Oceania): Uses the Game Cube language (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian). If the Game Cube is set to Dutch, the game will be in English.
Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc
It exists in 3 versions based on region:
- NTSC-J (Japan): Gives Celebi. Requires Pokemon Colosseum NTSC-J game.
- NTSC-U (The Americas and Asia): Gives Jirachi. Doesn't require Pokemon Colosseum NTSC-U.
- PAL (Europe and Oceania): Gives nothing noteworthy.
Pokemon Channel
It exists in 3 versions based on region:
- NTSC-J (Japan): Gives nothing noteworthy.
- NTSC-U (The Americas and Asia): Gives nothing noteworthy.
- PAL (Europe and Oceania): Gives Jirachi.
Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire
It exists in 3 versions based on region. Despite its name, it can trade with all Generation 3 GBA games.
- NTSC-J (Japan): Japanese. Can be used to obtain Enigma Berry in Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald JP.
- NTSC-U (The Americas and Asia): English. Can be used to obtain Enigma Berry in Ruby or Sapphire English.
- PAL (Europe and Oceania): Uses the Game Cube language (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian). If the Game Cube is set to Dutch, the game will be in English. Can be used to obtain Enigma Berry in Ruby or Sapphire English.
Game Cube-GBA Interactions
Game Interoperatibility:
↓ GBA \ Game Cube → | Colosseum | Colosseum Bonus Disc US | Colosseum Bonus Disc JP | XD | Channel | Box Ruby & Sapphire |
Ruby | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Sapphire | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Emerald | Yes | | Yes | Yes | | Yes |
LeafGreen | Yes | | Yes | Yes | | Yes |
FireRed | Yes | | Yes | Yes | | Yes |
Trade & Pokemon Gift Transfer: A Game Cube game can only connect to a GBA game of the same language.
↓ GBA \ Game Cube → | NTSC-U | NTSC-J | PAL |
English | Yes | | Yes |
Japanese | | Yes | |
French | | | Yes |
Italian | | | Yes |
German | | | Yes |
Spanish | | | Yes |
Spin-Off Games
GBA: Pokemon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire
It exists in 3 versions based on region. They are all compatible between each other. They can't communicate with other Pokemon games.
- Japan: Japanese language
- The Americas and Asia: English language
- Europe and Oceania: English, French, German, Italian or Spanish (Changeable)
GBA: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team
3 versions of Red Rescue Team, and 4 versions of Blue Rescue Team, exist. They are based on region. They can only directly communicate with games of the same region. They can't communicate with other Pokemon games.
- Japan: Japanese language
- The Americas, Asia and Oceania: English language
- Europe: English, French, German, Italian or Spanish (Can't be changed after initial selection)
- Korea (Blue Rescue Team only): Korean language